I did one once where the key to the table was a string, and the string
contained 1 to n Node Numbers separated by a separator character.


select data from table where node between (1 and 2)

resulted in an entire limb of the tree being retrieved.  Limitations were
the size of the string, depth of the tree (the string was truncated), and
the number of digits in each node number.  Problem also with ordering node
numbers, node number 1 tended to be followed by node number 10, 11, 12, etc,
then number 2, until I pre-determined the number of leading zeros for each

Not pretty, but it works well for small trees.

Warren Vail

-----Original Message-----
From: Mattias Thorslund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 9:59 AM
To: PHP General Mail List
Subject: [PHP] Hierarchies and MySQL with PHP


I wonder what you think are the best (or "least worst") strategies to
store and retrieve hierarchial data (such as a "threaded" discussion or
a multi-level menu tree) in MySQL using PHP?

I have been using table structures where each row contains a parent
reference, such as:

Table Example:

Field name    data type/db flags                    Coments
RowID         int unsigned auto_increment not null  (primary key)
ParentRowID   int unsigned                          0 (or NULL if at top
Name          varchar(50)

... which is OK for *defining* the hierarchy.  However, it's a pain to
retrieve the data so that it can be displayed in a nice threaded/sorted
way, where children are sorted directly below their parents.  I also
want the items to be nicely sorted within their own branch, of course.

On MS SQL, I successfully used stored procedures that employ temporary
tables and while statements and the like.  That method is not available
in MySQL (yet), so I'll have to do a lot of the manipulation on the web
server instead, using PHP.

Any suggestions?


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