
Another option would be to have a generic "List" class that displays items in a list.

Both your Album and Photo class should implement a method like "getNextItem" or the PHP5-native iterator methods so the List class can iterate over a class assigned to it without knowing what it is.

If the properties of Album and Photo are too different to generate a list, you could make a generic list class and subclass it for Album and Photo.

If you want to know more about OOP, I recommend this book:
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0201715945/ qid=1088493890/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/102-6243709-1202536? v=glance&s=books&n=507846
It helped me a great deal understanding how to "think" object oriented.

A third option would be to use the Smarty templating system. With templates you would only have to write a small portion of HTML code for each list.

With best regards

Gabriel Birke

KONTOR4_Neue Medien
Plathnerstraße 5
30175 Hannover
Fax: +49 51184 48 98 99
Am 28.06.2004 um 20:32 schrieb Joel Kitching:

I'm kind of new to OOP, so bear with me here...

I have a portfolio which contains albums.  These albums contain
photos.  So it would be natural to declare the classes:


It seems to me that none of these classes have the "is a"
relationship, and therefore can not be "extended" from each other.
The reason I wish to do this, is because listing albums and listing
photos use almost exactly the same code.


// The constructor would automatically fill in the album's variables
from the database.
$album = new Album($album_id);
// This would print out the HTML for the list of photos.

... or the same thing with "Portfolio," which would list the albums.
The only thing that's different is the links to which the anchors are
pointing, and the content.  (Thumbnails.)

So my question is, should I just duplicate the code in each class
(Portfolio and Album), or is there a better way of organizing all of

Joel Kitching

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