chregu          Sat Mar 31 05:38:58 2001 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /php4/pear/Experimental/XML fo2pdf.php 
  - converted tabs to spaces
  - more links in the docs about xsl:fo
Index: php4/pear/Experimental/XML/fo2pdf.php
diff -u php4/pear/Experimental/XML/fo2pdf.php:1.5 
--- php4/pear/Experimental/XML/fo2pdf.php:1.5   Fri Mar 30 04:55:07 2001
+++ php4/pear/Experimental/XML/fo2pdf.php       Sat Mar 31 05:38:58 2001
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 // | Authors: Christian Stocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         |
 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// $Id: fo2pdf.php,v 1.5 2001/03/30 12:55:07 chregu Exp $
+// $Id: fo2pdf.php,v 1.6 2001/03/31 13:38:58 chregu Exp $
@@ -23,9 +23,16 @@
 * with fo (formating objects) it's quite easy to convert xml-documents into
 *  pdf-docs.
 * An introduction into formating objects can be found at
+* A tutorial is here:
+* A html_to_fo.xsl can also be found there
+*  but it didn't work for my simple xhtml files..
 * The way to use this class is, produce a fo-file from a xml-file with a
 * xsl-stylesheet, then feed this class with this fo-file and you get a pdf
@@ -44,9 +51,9 @@
 *  Furthermore you have to compile your php with --with-java and to adjust
 *   your php.ini file. It can be a rather painful task to get java and php
 *   to work together.
-*   See or 
-*      for more details about java and php or ask me, if you're stuck 
+*   See or
+*   for more details about java and php or ask me, if you're stuck
 *   (especially with linux. windows is not my area..)
 * Todo:
@@ -84,191 +91,191 @@
 *    print $cache->end("+30");
 * @author   Christian Stocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-* @version  $Id: fo2pdf.php,v 1.5 2001/03/30 12:55:07 chregu Exp $
+* @version  $Id: fo2pdf.php,v 1.6 2001/03/31 13:38:58 chregu Exp $
 * @package  XML
 class XML_fo2pdf {
-       /**
-       * fo-file used in this class
-       *
-       * @var  string
-       */
-       var $fo = "";
-       /**
-       * pdf-file used in this class
-       *
-       * @var  string
-       */
-       var $pdf = "";
-       /**
-       * Where the temporary fo and pdf files should be stored
-       *
-       * @var  string
-       */
-       var $tmpdir = "/tmp";
-       /**
-       * A prefix for the temporary files
-       *
-       * @var  string
-       */
-       var $tmppdfprefix = "pdffo";
-       /**
-       * constructor
-       * One can pass an input fo-file already here (the other possibility
-       * is with the run or runFromString method).
-       *  and if the pdf should be stored permanently, a filename/path for
-       *  that can also be passed here.
-       *
-       * @param    string  file input fo-file
-       * @param    string  file output pdf-file
-       * @see run(), runFromString(), runFromFile()
-       */
-       function xml_fo2pdf($fo = "", $pdf = "")
-       {
-               if ($fo) {
-                       $this->run($fo, $pdf);
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-       * Calls the Main Fop-Java-Programm
-       *
-       * One has to pass an input fo-file
-       *  and if the pdf should be stored permanently, a filename/path for
-       *  the pdf.
-       *  if the pdf is not passed or empty/false, a temporary pdf-file
-       *   will be created
-       *
-       * @param    string      file input fo-file
-       * @param    string      file output pdf-file
-       * @param    boolean     if the fo should be deleted after execution
-       * @see runFromString()
-       */
-       function run($fo, $pdf = "", $DelFo = False)
-       {
-               if (!$pdf)
-                       $pdf = tempnam($this->tmpdir, $this->tmppdfprefix);
-               $this->pdf = $pdf;
-               $this->fo = $fo;
-               $options = array($this->fo, $this->pdf);
-               $java = new Java("org.apache.fop.apps.CommandLine", $options);
-               $java->run();
-               if ($DelFo) {
-                       $this->deleteFo($fo);
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-       * If the fo is a string, not a file, use this.
-       *
-       * If you generate the fo dynamically (for example with a
-       *  xsl-stylesheet), you can use this method
-       *
-       * The Fop-Java program needs a file as an input, so a
-       *  temporary fo-file is created here (and will be deleted
-       *  in the run() function.)
-       *
-       * @param    string  fo input fo-string
-       * @param    string  file output pdf-file
-       * @see run()
-       */
-       function runFromString($fostring, $pdf = "")
-       {
-               $fo = tempnam($this->tmpdir, $this->tmppdfprefix);
-               $fp = fopen($fo, "w+");
-               fwrite($fp, $fostring);
-               fclose($fp);
-               $this->run($fo, $pdf, True);
-       }
-       /**
-       * A wrapper to run for better readabilty
-       *
-       * This method just calls run....
-       *
-       * @param    string  fo input fo-string
-       * @param    string  file output pdf-file
-       * @see run()
-       */
-       function runFromFile($fo, $pdf = "")
-       {
-               return $this->run($fo, $pdf);
-       }
-       /**
-       * Deletes the created pdf
-       *
-       * If you dynamically create pdfs and you store them
-       *  for example in a Cache, you don't need it afterwards.
-       * If no pdf is given, the one generated in run() is deleted
-       *
-       * @param    string  file output pdf-file
-       */
-       function deletePDF($pdf = "")
-       {
-               if (!$pdf)
-                       $pdf = $this->pdf;
-               unlink ($pdf);
-       }
-       /**
-       * Deletes the created fo
-       *
-       * If you dynamically create fos, you don't need it afterwards.
-       * If no fo-file is given, the one generated in run() is deleted
-       *
-       * @param    string  file input fo-file
-       */
-       function deleteFo($fo = "")
-       {
-               if (!$fo)
-                       $fo = $this->fo;
-               unlink ($fo);
-       }
-       /**
-       * Prints the content header and the generated pdf to the output
-       *
-       * If you want to dynamically generate pdfs and return them directly
-       *  to the browser, use this.
-       * If no pdf-file is given, the generated from run() is taken.
-       *
-       * @param    string  file output pdf-file
-       * @see returnPDF()
-       */
-       function  printPDF($pdf = "")
-       {
-               $pdf = $this->returnPDF($pdf);
-               Header("Content-type: application/pdf\nContent-Length: " . 
-               print $pdf;
-       }
-       /**
-       * Returns the pdf
-       *
-       * If no pdf-file is given, the generated from run() is taken.
-       *
-       * @param    string file output pdf-file
-       * @return   string pdf
-       * @see run()
-       */
-       function returnPDF($pdf = "")
-       {
-          if (!$pdf)
-                  $pdf = $this->pdf;
-          $fd = fopen($pdf, "r");
-          $content = fread( $fd, filesize($pdf) );
-          fclose($fd);
-          return $content;
+    /**
+    * fo-file used in this class
+    *
+    * @var  string
+    */
+    var $fo = "";
+    /**
+    * pdf-file used in this class
+    *
+    * @var  string
+    */
+    var $pdf = "";
+    /**
+    * Where the temporary fo and pdf files should be stored
+    *
+    * @var  string
+    */
+    var $tmpdir = "/tmp";
+    /**
+    * A prefix for the temporary files
+    *
+    * @var  string
+    */
+    var $tmppdfprefix = "pdffo";
+    /**
+    * constructor
+    * One can pass an input fo-file already here (the other possibility
+    * is with the run or runFromString method).
+    *  and if the pdf should be stored permanently, a filename/path for
+    *  that can also be passed here.
+    *
+    * @param    string  file input fo-file
+    * @param    string  file output pdf-file
+    * @see run(), runFromString(), runFromFile()
+    */
+    function xml_fo2pdf($fo = "", $pdf = "")
+    {
+        if ($fo) {
+            $this->run($fo, $pdf);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Calls the Main Fop-Java-Programm
+    *
+    * One has to pass an input fo-file
+    *  and if the pdf should be stored permanently, a filename/path for
+    *  the pdf.
+    *  if the pdf is not passed or empty/false, a temporary pdf-file
+    *   will be created
+    *
+    * @param    string      file input fo-file
+    * @param    string      file output pdf-file
+    * @param    boolean     if the fo should be deleted after execution
+    * @see runFromString()
+    */
+    function run($fo, $pdf = "", $DelFo = False)
+    {
+        if (!$pdf)
+            $pdf = tempnam($this->tmpdir, $this->tmppdfprefix);
+        $this->pdf = $pdf;
+        $this->fo = $fo;
+        $options = array($this->fo, $this->pdf);
+        $java = new Java("org.apache.fop.apps.CommandLine", $options);
+        $java->run();
+        if ($DelFo) {
+            $this->deleteFo($fo);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * If the fo is a string, not a file, use this.
+    *
+    * If you generate the fo dynamically (for example with a
+    *  xsl-stylesheet), you can use this method
+    *
+    * The Fop-Java program needs a file as an input, so a
+    *  temporary fo-file is created here (and will be deleted
+    *  in the run() function.)
+    *
+    * @param    string  fo input fo-string
+    * @param    string  file output pdf-file
+    * @see run()
+    */
+    function runFromString($fostring, $pdf = "")
+    {
+        $fo = tempnam($this->tmpdir, $this->tmppdfprefix);
+        $fp = fopen($fo, "w+");
+        fwrite($fp, $fostring);
+        fclose($fp);
+        $this->run($fo, $pdf, True);
+    }
+    /**
+    * A wrapper to run for better readabilty
+    *
+    * This method just calls run....
+    *
+    * @param    string  fo input fo-string
+    * @param    string  file output pdf-file
+    * @see run()
+    */
+    function runFromFile($fo, $pdf = "")
+    {
+        return $this->run($fo, $pdf);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Deletes the created pdf
+    *
+    * If you dynamically create pdfs and you store them
+    *  for example in a Cache, you don't need it afterwards.
+    * If no pdf is given, the one generated in run() is deleted
+    *
+    * @param    string  file output pdf-file
+    */
+    function deletePDF($pdf = "")
+    {
+        if (!$pdf)
+            $pdf = $this->pdf;
+        unlink ($pdf);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Deletes the created fo
+    *
+    * If you dynamically create fos, you don't need it afterwards.
+    * If no fo-file is given, the one generated in run() is deleted
+    *
+    * @param    string  file input fo-file
+    */
+    function deleteFo($fo = "")
+    {
+        if (!$fo)
+            $fo = $this->fo;
+        unlink ($fo);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Prints the content header and the generated pdf to the output
+    *
+    * If you want to dynamically generate pdfs and return them directly
+    *  to the browser, use this.
+    * If no pdf-file is given, the generated from run() is taken.
+    *
+    * @param    string  file output pdf-file
+    * @see returnPDF()
+    */
+    function  printPDF($pdf = "")
+    {
+        $pdf = $this->returnPDF($pdf);
+        Header("Content-type: application/pdf\nContent-Length: " . strlen($pdf));
+        print $pdf;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the pdf
+    *
+    * If no pdf-file is given, the generated from run() is taken.
+    *
+    * @param    string file output pdf-file
+    * @return   string pdf
+    * @see run()
+    */
+    function returnPDF($pdf = "")
+        {
+       if (!$pdf)
+           $pdf = $this->pdf;
+       $fd = fopen($pdf, "r");
+       $content = fread( $fd, filesize($pdf) );
+       fclose($fd);
+       return $content;

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