Lots of ways to do it, here's one.

Convert them both to unix timestamps and subtract.

$nowstamp=mktime() ;

$result=mysql_query(SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(mydatefield)  AS dbdate FROM



$thedifference=$nowstamp - $dbdate;

//above gives you the difference in seconds.

$daydifference = intval($thedifference / 86400);

// 86400 is number of seconds in a day
// intval because I don't want partial days, just number of days
// $daydifference above gives you the difference in days

kind regards,



> Dear Friends,
> I am accessing a MySQL database through PHP.
> I have to calculate the difference between todays date and the date obtained
> from MySQL database.
> The Database string is in the form of \"yyyy-mm-dd\".
> I have to convert the above string into unix timestamp so that i can calcualte
> the difference between the two time stamps.
> Please help me in this regard.
> Thanking you,
> B. Raveendra Reddy
> National Law School of India University
> --
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