Jordi Canals wrote:

Angelo, thanks for your comments.

session_name must go before session_start.

I think register_globals has nothing to do with session cookies. I always work with register_globals = off as recommended.

About the cookie params (In PHP.INI) I checked them on the two platforms with phpinfo() and are exactly the same.

I'm relly lost with this issue. It is not a browser problem, because browsers are accepting (and saving) the cookies. I tested it with Firefox, MSIE and Mozilla, and always have the same issue.

Why the first page loaded, and only the first one, passes the session ID on the URL? I think perhaps could be something related with the system trying to read the cookie on the same page that first created it. But don't find a way to solve it.

Thanks for your time,

Was your binary compiled with --enable-trans-sid? If so, I imagine the explanation would be something along the lines that because the session manager doesn't know whether you have cookies enabled until it gets a cookie back, it uses trans_sid. On the second page view, it gets a cookie, and starts using cookies instead.

No research went into this; it's just a guess. ;)


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