Andre Dubuc wrote:
I thought a simple re-direct page might do the trick.

I've tried three methods:

the header approach header("location: ../conn-up.php");

an absolute header:
header("location: /vhome/conn-up.php");

and an include approach:

Te header methods will not work. You need to access directly the filesystem in order to include a file. Cannot do it by URL.

The third aproach perhaps could work, not sure. But I would test to things (I assume conn.php is on your site root) :

1. Check the user running the web server hsa permisions to read on the directory the file is located.

2. Try an absolute path to the file. Perhaps it will not permit portability, but for test purposes could help.

On conn.php you could try:

If it does not work, problably is a permissions problem.

3. For portability, and when you have been able to include the file as said in point 2. You could do in conn.php something like:

$conn_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); // Gives parent dir
include($conn_dir . 'conn-up.php');

4. Could set the path to de directory including the file with set_include_path(); and then include just by name:

        $mypath = get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . "/vhome";

Hope this can help to investigate a bit more on your problem.


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