Ok. It did not worked.  I had to create an empy dir.

Well, one problem.

Since I have users with ftp access and they host php scripts that
handle "file uploads".  The files are created with apache.apache and
are usually moved to the user's directory using move_uploaded_file.

Since the owner/gorup of the script would be foo.ftponly this would
fail due to uid differences.

How do I solve this ?  Change the user's group from ftponly to apache
and use the safe_mode_gid on ?

- rt

On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 11:28:39 -0700, Justin Patrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That *may* not work as it's a file, not a folder. You're welcome to
> try, though. :-)
> On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 14:19:25 -0400, robert mena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Ok. How about set the safe_mode_exec_dir to /dev/null then ?
> >

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