Here's what I want to do:
multiple forms on separate pages that collect data from the user.  When all
appropriate data is entered, the user can send all data to the process
script.  I want the user to be able to jump from one page to another in no
particular order and back while entering data.  This is so if they change
their mind mid-stream, they can go edit previous pages without having to
reenter everything after that page.  If the user enters a page where they
have already entered data, the data is displayed.

Maybe I'm headed down the wrong path...
Here's how I thought about doing it (haven't gotten this working yet):

I set the form input attribute to 'name="variable_name_post"' (variable name
+ _post suffix).  At the beginning of each page, I include a function that
reads through $HTTP_POST_VARS and if it finds a posted variable with the
'_post' suffix, it stores the value of that var in $variable_name.  The main
list of vars (not the posted vars) is passed from page to page via sessions.

my problem is not storing the new variable, it's making it available to the
rest of the script (and the session).  What I end up with is a variable
variable ${$tmp_var_name} with a value equal to the posted var.  In this
case, if $tmp_var_name = 'cust_name', I can echo $cust_name and get the
proper value inside the function.  Outside the function the var is set to

I either need to find a way to get that variable variable to be recognized
outside the function, or I need some help reorganizing my logic on another
way to do this.  The code for the function was posted to the list yesterday
under the subject "renaming form posted variable names".

Thanks to those who will help1

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