Without getting into the specifics of the zend product,
which we've not tested thoroughly, I'd hazard a wild speculation that
zend encoder-encoded scripts:

1. can be decoded
2. can NOT be decoded to the original source

Obviously anything encoded needs to be decoded to run, and someone
with enough time on their hands will be able to decode it to the point where
they can understand what's going on at a low level, including any algorithms
you've developed.  If the machine has to be able to run the commands, some
one else can eventually figure out what the machine will be doing.  That's
just a given.  How difficult it would be would be another question,
and my guess is it's not a trivial task, at least to casual users.

Is it going to be decodeable to the original source code?  I *highly* doubt it-
it would be pretty inefficient to encode all your whitespace, comments, etc.

Again, this isn't based on hands-on zend encoder experience, but experience with
other compilers, Java, the APC cache product, and other similar ideas
over the years.


> Hi,
> I`m about to buy the Zend encoder from thier website and thought I better ask
> a pretty important question, unfortunately Zend couldn`t be bothered to
> follow up the lead on someone who might buy thier product so I thought I
> would turn to you guys to see if any of you know.
> Is it possible in any instance that someone else will be able to de-code my
> PHP scripts once I have used the Zend Encoder on it, and be able to read it?
> Obviously they will be able to decode it to actually use it on the server,
> but will they ever be able to read the source?

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