textareas do not use the value attribute. instead, the value is placed between the <textarea></textarea> tags:

<textarea name="zoutput" rows="20" cols="70" wrap /><? echo $test; ?></textarea>

At 08:09 AM 7/12/2004, Hull, Douglas D wrote:
After doing calculations etc on my data I am wanting to place it in a textarea form in html. I am having trouble getting my data to show up in my texarea. For example, say after all my calculations I my field called $test ends up containing "This is a test". Here is what I tried:

<textarea name="zoutput" rows="20" cols="70" wrap value="<? echo $test; ?>" /> </textarea>

I can add the $test to input like this but not a textarea.
Name: <input type="text" name="zfname" value="<? echo $test; ?>"/> <br>

Is this possible?


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