> I have a form where one option is a dropdown menu. I'd like that menu to
> only have items in it that are actually available. Selecting the items with
> a query is easy enough but I wondered if anyone could tell me where to start
> wit the code.

I dont know what kind of db so I will just use mysql, this comes
almost straight from the manual http://us3.php.net/mysql:

$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE available";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error());

/* Printing results in HTML */
echo "<select name=\"yourDropdownName\">\n";
while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
   echo "<option value=\"$line[itemnum]\">$line[itemname]</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";

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