Jeff Oien wrote:

Thanks for the helpful examples. One other question. Is there an advantage to sending the URL via a header as opposed to doing http_post like this?

As mentioned a couple of times, size is one. But you still need to url-encode the data if you're going to send it via post.

 $data = array('item1' => 'value1', 'item2' => 'value2');
 $query_string = http_build_query($data);

 // Now, you can send the data either via post:
 $response = http_post('', '/form.php', $data);

 // ...or via get:
 header('' . $data);

The first lets your script grab the output of the form to which
you're submitting (it's in $response after the http_post() call);
the second actually loads and displays the target form.

Another option is cURL, which is designed for exactly this sort
of thing:

...but it may or may not be overkill for what you need. However,
cURL pretty much rules the data posting/fetching game as far as
configurability etc.



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