Maybe you recheck the dokumentation on what exactly referenzes are. Do you expect the function to alter the string "something here" and every-
time you later print the string within your script you get the altered one?

ONLY variables can be passed by referenze !

 -- red

Daevid Vincent wrote:
So, I'm getting all these errors/warnings in PHP5 now saying that I have to
put the & on the function and not in the passing (which sorta makes sense
and puts the burden on the function rather than the user, which I like too).
So I spend the time to go and fix several thousand lines of code.

Then I start to see these other errors...

Maybe I'm missing something, but this seems like a glaring bug in passing by
reference that nobody caught...

say you have

function foo(&$bar) {

well that works great as long as you use it like


but if you try

        foo("something here");
        foo( array('a','b','c') );

it shits the bed. :-(

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