php-general Digest 2 Apr 2001 09:41:06 -0000 Issue 603

Topics (messages 46526 through 46583):

libpng error
        46526 by: Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
        46543 by:

Programming Jobs
        46527 by: Jon Jacob
        46531 by: Michael Kimsal
        46563 by: natter

Re: C and PHP
        46528 by: Joe Stump

Question: Number of Characters
        46529 by: Marcus Ouimet
        46530 by: CC Zona
        46532 by: Steve Edberg

Re: ereg
        46533 by: Steve Edberg

Re: Executing a PHP file to write an html file
        46534 by: David Robley
        46536 by: Matt Friedman

Re: Problems with files!!!!!
        46535 by: David Robley
        46545 by: Jon Jacob
        46546 by: Tyrone Mills
        46552 by: Jon Jacob

Need project info from developers
        46537 by: Michael Kimsal

Re: version????
        46538 by: Stuart J. Browne

cookie working only 90% array missing one var and sql query burns [YIKES!]
        46539 by: PHPretard

Re: No-refresh
        46540 by: trogers

Attach File in PHP's Mail Function.
        46541 by: Mark Lo \(3\)

send mail in HTML format in Mail Function
        46542 by: Mark Lo \(3\)
        46544 by: Tyler Longren

Re: header() vs. no cache, it doesn't work.
        46547 by: Stuart J. Browne

Search Engines
        46548 by: Joe Montiel
        46549 by: Matt Friedman
        46551 by: Steve Werby

php jobs?
        46550 by: Joseph Bannon
        46553 by: Rick St Jean
        46568 by: Boaz Yahav

session in php3 and in php4
        46554 by: Jacky
        46557 by: Steve Werby

Re: suppressing error messages
        46555 by: Patrick Dunford

Re: Execute Shell command?
        46556 by: Chris Fry

RE:Zend Encoder
        46558 by: Nettie Feldman

Re: registering an array into a session (?)
        46559 by: cam k

Accessing Intberase database in NT
        46560 by:
        46567 by: Stuart J. Browne

phpLinks 2.0b Released
        46561 by: Greg Donald

Problem installing on BSD
        46562 by: natter
        46564 by: David Robley
        46565 by: natter
        46566 by: Felix Kronlage

php-4.0.5-dev with Apache rpm
        46569 by: Paul Juliano

I can't connect php with apache.
        46570 by: Kukai

Retrieving W2000 username as a PHP variable.
        46571 by: Jon

very dumb question, need help
        46572 by: Jacky

array_diff usage
        46573 by: V e r b a l
        46577 by: Stig Venaas

how to build a template??
        46574 by: E K L

Re: login without database
        46575 by: Knut H. Hassel Nielsen

is this syntax correct?
        46576 by: Jacky
        46578 by: Joseph Bannon
        46579 by: Jacky
        46581 by: Jacky

Max file size of 2 bytes exceeded
        46580 by: PHP

geocities and php
        46582 by: Joseph Bannon

session question
        46583 by: Jan Grafström


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        I have php compiled with GD support (version>1.8 so I have png support). I try 
the following code and get a broken image:

header("Content-type: image/png");

$image= imagecreate(200,200) or die("Failed in call to imagecreate()<BR>\n");
$blue = imageColorAllocate($image,0,0,255);
imageRectangle($image, 50, 50, 150, 150, $blue);


I get this error in the Apache error log (Apache with DSO support and php as a .so):
gd-png:  fatal libpng error: Invalid number of colors in palette
gd-png error: setjmp returns error condition

Any ideas what's wrong?



  I make change of your code by move some line to correct line and it's
Here this a code

header("Content-type: image/png");
$image= imagecreate(200,200) or die("Failed in call to
$blue = imageColorAllocate($image,0,0,255);
imageRectangle($image, 50, 50, 150, 150, $blue);
imagepng($image); //----  I MOVE THIS LINE

Hope this will help.

""Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Helloppl,
> I have php compiled with GD support (version>1.8 so I have png support). I
try the following code and get a broken image:
> <?php
> header("Content-type: image/png");
> $image= imagecreate(200,200) or die("Failed in call to
> imagepng($image);
> $blue = imageColorAllocate($image,0,0,255);
> imageRectangle($image, 50, 50, 150, 150, $blue);
> imagedestroy($image);
> ?>
> I get this error in the Apache error log (Apache with DSO support and php
as a .so):
> gd-png:  fatal libpng error: Invalid number of colors in palette
> gd-png error: setjmp returns error condition
> Any ideas what's wrong?
> regards,
> thalis
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hope this is not off topic, but I need to ask a general audience this
question and this seems like the right group.

I have been out of work for two months and I am not sure why.  I am a
talented web programmer with three years experience, strong Perl,
JavaScript, CGI, and HTML skills and a great work ethic.  I have been
offered a job (which I turned down) but nothing desirable has come my
way.  I know the economy is slow, but I am shocked that I am out of work
for this long.  Are others experiencing this, or is it just me?

I live in Portland, OR which is not the center of the tech universe but
has strong tech companies nonetheless.  I am just confused and am
wondering if it is something I am doing or something that is being done
to me.  If the later, I can wait it out, but I just wanted to know if
anyone in my silimiar situation was experiencing something the same and
had any insight to share.

I apologize for the vent, but it is starting to become frustrating and

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Perhaps you should have taken that job.  ???  I've heard (and found really)
that it's easier to find work if you're working.  It's harder to make
and whatnot, but it gets you out there, you meet others and network.  Who
knows where that can lead to?  But if your talent is being put to use
around other people and they can see that, that can be very good situation.

Jon Jacob wrote:

> I hope this is not off topic, but I need to ask a general audience this
> question and this seems like the right group.
> I have been out of work for two months and I am not sure why.  I am a
> talented web programmer with three years experience, strong Perl,
> JavaScript, CGI, and HTML skills and a great work ethic.  I have been
> offered a job (which I turned down) but nothing desirable has come my
> way.  I know the economy is slow, but I am shocked that I am out of work
> for this long.  Are others experiencing this, or is it just me?
> I live in Portland, OR which is not the center of the tech universe but
> has strong tech companies nonetheless.  I am just confused and am
> wondering if it is something I am doing or something that is being done
> to me.  If the later, I can wait it out, but I just wanted to know if
> anyone in my silimiar situation was experiencing something the same and
> had any insight to share.
> I apologize for the vent, but it is starting to become frustrating and
> confusing.

You might want to add to some of your skills.

Grab some quick Oracle training. (Don't pay for it, just
go to free sites like: and

Your resume would look alot more attractive if you knew SQL and Oracle
a bit more. This is just my opinion though.

You might want to look in the PHP source code at the README.EXT_SKEL file for
info on how to incorporate that stuff.


On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 08:49:30PM +0200, Ft Karras wrote:
> Somebody knows if it is possible to link C and PHP?
> I have a C library and need to 'include' with PHP code, as it does PERL, 
> is it possible?
> Thanks
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 *                    Joe Stump - PHP/SQL/HTML Developer                      *
 * - -   *
 * "Better to double your money on mediocrity than lose it all on a dream."   * 

        How can i determine the number of characters in a string? I am using substr
to cut off the last 4 characters of a string. Which is working great. But I
want to replace the 3 charcters with "..." only if there are over 20
charcters . I tried substr_replace but it appears on everything no matter
how many characters. I am trying to do this is simple terms:

if the string was:

hi my name is

it is returned shortened to:

hi ...

        Any help appreciated.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Marcus Ouimet") wrote:

> How can i determine the number of characters in a string?


At 4:16 PM -0700 4/1/01, Marcus Ouimet wrote:
>       How can i determine the number of characters in a string? I 
>am using substr
>to cut off the last 4 characters of a string. Which is working great. But I
>want to replace the 3 charcters with "..." only if there are over 20
>charcters . I tried substr_replace but it appears on everything no matter
>how many characters. I am trying to do this is simple terms:

Use strlen(). For example:

        $String = 'hi my name is';
        if (strlen($String) > 20) {
                $String = substr($String, 0, 17).'...';

In PHP4, you can use the substr_replace() function to replace the 
third line in the example above:

        $String = 'hi my name is';
        if (strlen($String) > 20) {
                $String = substr_replace($String, '...', 17);

For more information, see


>if the string was:
>hi my name is
>it is returned shortened to:
>hi ...
>       Any help appreciated.

+----------- 12 April 2001: Forty years of manned spaceflight -----------+
| Steve Edberg                           University of California, Davis |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               Computer Consultant |
|         |
+-------------------------- --------------------------+

At 9:47 PM -0800 3/31/01, Chris Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 31 Mar 2001 21:07:59 -0800, Michael Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm using the following expression to check input strings:
>>if (!ereg("^[[:alnum:]_-]+$", $string)) { get outta here! }
>>This works fine except for when a string has spaces, as in text. What do I
>>need to add to the expression to handle spaces (internal, not at the
>>beginning or end).
>if (!ereg("^[[:alnum:]_- ]+$", $string)) { get outta here! }
>Check out the regular expression documentation or "Mastering Regular
>Expressions" over at

If by 'spaces' you want to include tabs, newlines & stuff, you can also do:

        if (!ereg("^[[:alnum:][:space:]_-]+$", $string)) { get outta here! }


+----------- 12 April 2001: Forty years of manned spaceflight -----------+
| Steve Edberg                           University of California, Davis |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               Computer Consultant |
|         |
+-------------------------- --------------------------+

On Sun,  1 Apr 2001 03:06, PHP User wrote:
> Here is my problem.
> I have a file, static.php
> static.php writes to index.html by way of...
> $filename = "/web/h16/docs/index.html";
> $fp = fopen("$filename","w");
> fwrite($fp, "<table width=\"230\">\n");
> etc......
> If I hit static.php from the command line, index.html gets written just
> fine. static.php does it's job.
> If I try to exec(), or  system() static.php from a browser the browser
> just hangs. eg. I add:
> system ('/usr/local/bin/php web/h16/docs/index.html);
> or
> exec ('/usr/local/bin/php web/h16/docs/index.html);
> To a file and get nothing. I tried with and without the absolute paths
> in the commands.
> What I want to be able to do is every time I update a Db, at the same
> time I want the index page to be rewritten to reflect the changes in
> the Db. And I don't want to have to go to the command line everytime I
> want to rewrite the index page. So I would just hit "SAve" in the
> update.php page, it would save to the Db, which it does now, and at the
> same time it hits static.php and therefore rewrites index.html
> I also tried header() but that was no good due to echo in the pages,
> gives that header already sent error.
> Is there a funtion I am missing somehwere that does the job?
> It's a Unix box running php 4.03, and the Db is MySQL
> Thanks Much!!

Is it possible you have a permissions problem? Remember that your 
webserver will probably be running as something like nobody, which may 
not have the necessary permissions to wwrite to files in that particular 

David Robley                        | WEBMASTER & Mail List Admin
AusEinet                            |
            Flinders University, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA

If you have the php cgi installed you can run a script like so:

exec("php -q /path/to/script.php")

You didn't include the command (php -q), you only included the path to the

If you don't have the cgi, but you are running on *nix you can
assuming lynx is installed.

Instead of exec, why not just include the script you want to run in your

Matt Friedman
Spry New Media

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Robley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Executing a PHP file to write an html file

> On Sun,  1 Apr 2001 03:06, PHP User wrote:
> > Here is my problem.
> > I have a file, static.php
> > static.php writes to index.html by way of...
> > $filename = "/web/h16/docs/index.html";
> > $fp = fopen("$filename","w");
> > fwrite($fp, "<table width=\"230\">\n");
> > etc......
> >
> > If I hit static.php from the command line, index.html gets written just
> > fine. static.php does it's job.
> >
> > If I try to exec(), or  system() static.php from a browser the browser
> > just hangs. eg. I add:
> > system ('/usr/local/bin/php web/h16/docs/index.html);
> > or
> > exec ('/usr/local/bin/php web/h16/docs/index.html);
> > To a file and get nothing. I tried with and without the absolute paths
> > in the commands.
> >
> > What I want to be able to do is every time I update a Db, at the same
> > time I want the index page to be rewritten to reflect the changes in
> > the Db. And I don't want to have to go to the command line everytime I
> > want to rewrite the index page. So I would just hit "SAve" in the
> > update.php page, it would save to the Db, which it does now, and at the
> > same time it hits static.php and therefore rewrites index.html
> >
> > I also tried header() but that was no good due to echo in the pages,
> > gives that header already sent error.
> >
> > Is there a funtion I am missing somehwere that does the job?
> >
> > It's a Unix box running php 4.03, and the Db is MySQL
> >
> > Thanks Much!!
> Is it possible you have a permissions problem? Remember that your
> webserver will probably be running as something like nobody, which may
> not have the necessary permissions to wwrite to files in that particular
> directory.
> --
> David Robley                        | WEBMASTER & Mail List Admin
> AusEinet                            |
>             Flinders University, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 21:31, Ales Kunst wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a strange kind of a problem. I'm cannot write to files on a
> server (i'm having virtual host) where i got my domain name.
> The server is running Apache 1.3.x and is having php3.0.8 installed.
> The code looks like this:
> <html>
> <body>
> <?php
>     $fcontents = "something";
>     $fp = fopen("tmp/some.dat", "w");  // trying to open file in my
> directory tmp/ (i think)
>     fwrite($fp, $fcontents);
>     fclose($fp);
> ?>
> </body>
> </html>
> I cannot write to directory tmp.I get an error from Netscape that
> "document contains no data" (i changed the directory mode to 777
> (tmp/)). The strangest part is that this script works fine when i am
> running it at home. At home i tried to run the script under Windows 98
> and Linux Mandrake both with Apache 1.3.x with php 4.0.x installed (i
> don't think this code should have any compatibility problems). On Linux
> i have put the script to a user directory, just the kind on the server
> is, and it worked just fine. I think maybe it's the Apache
> configuration (on the server) which is causing my problem. I would very
> appreciate any help on this matter (clues what could be wrong).
> Ales!

Probably permissions still - the parent directory must also be accessible 
to the user that the web server runs as.

David Robley                        | WEBMASTER & Mail List Admin
AusEinet                            |
            Flinders University, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA

David Robley wrote:

> On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 21:31, Ales Kunst wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a strange kind of a problem. I'm cannot write to files on a
> > server (i'm having virtual host) where i got my domain name.
> > The server is running Apache 1.3.x and is having php3.0.8 installed.
> > The code looks like this:
> >
> > <html>
> > <body>
> > <?php
> >     $fcontents = "something";
> >     $fp = fopen("tmp/some.dat", "w");  // trying to open file in my
> > directory tmp/ (i think)
> >     fwrite($fp, $fcontents);
> >     fclose($fp);
> > ?>
> > </body>
> > </html>
> >
> > I cannot write to directory tmp.I get an error from Netscape that
> > "document contains no data" (i changed the directory mode to 777
> > (tmp/)). The strangest part is that this script works fine when i am
> > running it at home. At home i tried to run the script under Windows 98
> > and Linux Mandrake both with Apache 1.3.x with php 4.0.x installed (i
> > don't think this code should have any compatibility problems). On Linux
> > i have put the script to a user directory, just the kind on the server
> > is, and it worked just fine. I think maybe it's the Apache
> > configuration (on the server) which is causing my problem. I would very
> > appreciate any help on this matter (clues what could be wrong).
> >
> > Ales!
> Probably permissions still - the parent directory must also be accessible
> to the user that the web server runs as.
> --
> David Robley                        | WEBMASTER & Mail List Admin
> AusEinet                            |
>             Flinders University, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah, this may be too simple of an answer but usually the directory is /tmp
not tmp/

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I don't know if it's been mentioned or not, but I have found that unless the
file exists, I can't open it. Have you verified that the file exists and the
user that the script will run as has the appropriate permissions?

-----Original Message-----
From: jon [mailto:jon]On Behalf Of Jon Jacob
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Problems with files!!!!!

David Robley wrote:

> On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 21:31, Ales Kunst wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a strange kind of a problem. I'm cannot write to files on a
> > server (i'm having virtual host) where i got my domain name.
> > The server is running Apache 1.3.x and is having php3.0.8 installed.
> > The code looks like this:
> >
> > <html>
> > <body>
> > <?php
> >     $fcontents = "something";
> >     $fp = fopen("tmp/some.dat", "w");  // trying to open file in my
> > directory tmp/ (i think)
> >     fwrite($fp, $fcontents);
> >     fclose($fp);
> > ?>
> > </body>
> > </html>
> >
> > I cannot write to directory tmp.I get an error from Netscape that
> > "document contains no data" (i changed the directory mode to 777
> > (tmp/)). The strangest part is that this script works fine when i am
> > running it at home. At home i tried to run the script under Windows 98
> > and Linux Mandrake both with Apache 1.3.x with php 4.0.x installed (i
> > don't think this code should have any compatibility problems). On Linux
> > i have put the script to a user directory, just the kind on the server
> > is, and it worked just fine. I think maybe it's the Apache
> > configuration (on the server) which is causing my problem. I would very
> > appreciate any help on this matter (clues what could be wrong).
> >
> > Ales!
> Probably permissions still - the parent directory must also be accessible
> to the user that the web server runs as.
> --
> David Robley                        | WEBMASTER & Mail List Admin
> AusEinet                            |
>             Flinders University, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah, this may be too simple of an answer but usually the directory is /tmp
not tmp/


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PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tyrone Mills wrote:

> I don't know if it's been mentioned or not, but I have found that unless the
> file exists, I can't open it. Have you verified that the file exists and the
> user that the script will run as has the appropriate permissions?

I think you are mistaken.  According to the PHP manual page, with fopen the
option 'w' does the following:

"Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and
truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create
it. "

In this case the line:

$fp = fopen("tmp/some.dat", "w");  // trying to open file in my

Would create the file if it did not exist, but you make a good point that
permissions need to be set.  The directory would need to probably be world
writable (usually 755 or xrw-rw-rw).

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Hello all.

We're working on a project and need some information from other PHP
about some of the projects you've developed, large and small.  We're
looking for
information such as development time, hardware, integration issues,
traffic/stats, etc.,
and you'd need to be willing to have this information made publicly
available at some point.

If you would like more information about this project, please contact me
at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I can't really post too much more publicly
at this time,
but hope to be able to make an announcement in the next couple weeks,
we have some other input from PHP developers.

Thanks in advance.  :)

Michael Kimsal

Scott Fletcher"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9a23cm$fuu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9a23cm$fuu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> One more question!  Why does some PHP 4.0 & up does not have the php.ini
> file?  I noticed for the UNIX, there isn't one.  For Caldera, there is
> For Windows, there is one.  So, what's up with that????
> Scott
> ""Scott Fletcher"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 9a04gk$116$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9a04gk$116$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Hi!
> >
> >     Can anyone tell me what the difference with those PHP version?  I
> > the version, "PHP 4.0.4pl1" with a "pl1" and some other version, "PHP
> 4.0.4"
> > without a "pl1".  Does either of these version had to do with php.ini
> file?

There is a PHP.INI.  You just didn't copy it.  The instructions state that
you have to 'cp php.ini.dist /.......somewhere../'..   can't remember
the locaiton.

if you dont, it just uses the defaults.


hi peoples, Im going insane here, I have this script working great except
two things ...
for one , the sql query returns an error that couldnt run the query...
and the second is that the variable $user_reg[2]  holds nothing even though
I cheked the html form and also checked the cookie variable and all are set
except [2] .

heres my script snippet:

   $user_reg[0] = $user_name;
   $user_reg[1] = $pass_w;
   $user_reg[2] = $full_name;
   $user_reg[3] = $email;
   $user_reg[4] = $age;
   $user_reg[5] = $icq;
   $user_reg[6] = $aim;

function add_newuser() {
         $date = gmdate ( "M d Y H:i:s" );
         $sql = "INSERT INTO mytable (user_name, pass_w, full_name, email,
age, icq, aim, date) VALUES ('$user_reg[0]', '$user_reg[1]', '$user_reg[2]',
'$user_reg[3]', '$user_reg[4]', '$user_reg[5]', '$user_reg[6]', '$date')";
         $connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "mylog", "mypass") or die
("Could not connect to database");
         $db = mysql_select_db("mydb",$connection);
         $sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or die ("Couldnt run
if (isset($newuse) AND $newuse == "yes") {
    $lifetime = time() + 180 * 86400;
    setcookie ("user_reg[0]" , "$user_name", $lifetime, "/",
    setcookie ("user_reg[1]" , "$pass_w", $lifetime, "/", "");
    setcookie ("user_reg[2]" , "$full_name", $lifetime, "");
    setcookie ("user_reg[3]" , "$email", $lifetime, "/", "");
    setcookie ("user_reg[4]" , "$age", $lifetime, "/", "");
    setcookie ("user_reg[5]" , "$icq", $lifetime, "/", "");
    setcookie ("user_reg[6]" , "$aim", $lifetime, "/", "");

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I do it using sessions with:

//Check for a reload
$hash = mhash(MHASH_SHA1,serialize($HTTP_POST_VARS));
$hash = bin2hex($hash);
if($hash == $Hash):
         $reload = "Yes";
         echo "reload <br>";

$Hash is registered in the session.

At 02:54 AM 31/03/01 +0100, David Hynes wrote:
>Does anyone know of a way to stop the user from refreshing a page several
>i.e if I add a value to a database using a form and PHP, I don't want the
>user to be able to simply press refresh and add the value to the database
>Please help,
>Fed202 Solutions
>Mobile : 07779 293368
>PHP General Mailing List (
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


     I would like to ask how to attach a file in PHP's Mail Function ??

Thank you



    I would like to know how to send a mail in HTML format in Mail

Thank you


$recipient = "Recipient <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
$headers .= "From: name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n";
$headers .= "X-Sender: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP\n";
$headers .= "X-Priority: 1\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
$message = "<font face=Arial size=2>This is HTML!!!<Br><Br></font><font
face=Arial size=2 color=#ff0000>See!!!</font>";
$subject = "TEST";

mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers);

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Lo (3) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 9:37 PM
To: PHP Mailing List
Subject: [PHP] send mail in HTML format in Mail Function


    I would like to know how to send a mail in HTML format in Mail

Thank you


PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> >When I use this script
> >
> >      header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
> >      header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
> ### oops, don't forget to escape these!  ^             ^

Umm, why would he need to escape those two "'s?  They arn't within anothe
set of quotes.

> >      header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
> >      header("Pragma: no-cache");
> >
> >Next, I browse around and go back one page, the cache does not expire.
> >Sometime I get the error messages said that the header had already start
> >or something.  So, what is the other way around to fix this
> >problem?????  Or how can I fix it????



I am new to the list and to php...I would like to know how php does with the
major search engines. Do I need to do something extra to make it work? Will
it index if I am pulling my content from text files? (If this is in an
archive somewhere, point me to it).

Thank you!


There are a few things that can help you get indexed by the search engines
if you are using a server side scripting language.

1. Try to avoid passing variables in the get string. That is, the stuff
after the "?" in a url.
2. If you want a page indexed, don't redirect from that page to another
page. The search spider will not follow the redirect.

Other than that, I can't think of more things that a spider wouldn't like
that have to do with php. If there are more, please correct me.

Matt Friedman
Spry New Media

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Montiel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 8:52 PM
Subject: [PHP] Search Engines

> Hello,
> I am new to the list and to php...I would like to know how php does with
> major search engines. Do I need to do something extra to make it work?
> it index if I am pulling my content from text files? (If this is in an
> archive somewhere, point me to it).
> Thank you!
> Joe
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Joe Montiel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to the list and to php...I would like to know how php does with
> major search engines. Do I need to do something extra to make it work?
> it index if I am pulling my content from text files?

PHP produces HTML output which is sent to a browser, spider, etc.
Everything else being equal about content on a webpage, a PHP generated file
and a static HTML file are identical, with the possible exception of the
file extension.  There are a few "gotchas".  A search engine can recognize a
.php* file extension and assign it a penalty, though I'm not aware of this
happening.  If that's a fear you can always configure your webserver to
parse .html files using PHP.  Some search engines will ignore or penalize
webpages with query strings in them (query strings are variable-value pairs
following a "?" after the webpage name).  The logic for this makes sense
since a lot of pages like that are dynamically generated and a search engine
will be less effective if it indexes a page and a few days later a user does
a search, it appears in the results and the user goes there and the page no
longer exists or contains different content than was indexed.  An easy way
around this (at least in Apache) is to create dynamically generated webpages
that appear static.  This can be accomplished by using AliasMatch lines in
your Apache config. file to point a group of URLs (such as all beginning
with '/books/') to a single PHP file.  Then within the PHP file use a
combination of regular expressions and environment variables (among other
solutions) to pull the proper content from a file or database.

For example if you have a URL like '/books/516.html' you can do:
eregi( '^/books/(.*).html', $SCRIPT_URL, $regs ) )
// $regs[1] will contain '516'.
// Grab record from database with id 516.

Offhand, the only other things to watch for are don't do fast meta redirects
(or any redirects at all) and if your PHP file hasn't been updated in
months, but the database data it pulls from has updated recently, it's
likely that browsers and spiders may think their cached copies of your
webpage are current.  A solution is to use a combination of header()
functions like:

header( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s" ) . " GMT" );

Making your webpages appear at the top of search engines for your desired
search phrases is another story.  Though I live talking about search engine
optimization strategies and steps, this isn't the right forum for giving
away all of the secrets.  <smile>

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

What is a good place to find PHP jobs?


Say I'm Hot! - Post Your Picture!

do a search for it jobs,
send your resume to head hunters.
buy big city news papers.\

At 11:04 PM 4/1/01 -0500, you wrote:

>What is a good place to find PHP jobs?
>Say I'm Hot! - Post Your Picture!
>PHP General Mailing List (
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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#  Rick St Jean,
#  President of Design Shark,
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Visit Today!!! 
To see where PHP might take you tomorrow.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Bannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 6:05 AM
Subject: [PHP] php jobs?

What is a good place to find PHP jobs?


Say I'm Hot! - Post Your Picture!

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all
I heard rumors saying there is no way to use session in php3, is that correct? ( only 
joking about the rumors, but really need to know this though:-)
If there is no way to get around this, what is syntax for assign session in php4 then?
thanks in advance
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for yourself"

"Jacky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If there is no way to get around this, what is syntax for assign session
in php4 then?

PHP session support is possible in PHP3 using a 3rd party module from the
PHP Base Library ( which is pretty widely used.
For session handling in PHP4 see the manual
( and you may want to check,, etc. for tutorials, code snippets and examples.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

How can I prevent error messages from being displayed and sent to a log file 

Patrick Dunford, Christchurch, NZ -

   Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask
or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,   to
him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all
generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
    -- Ephesians 3:20-21
Created by Mail2Sig -

I use a package called sudo which allows you to give limited root rights to the
user that your webserver is running as. Using this I'm able to add/delete a user
from a PHP script and also change passwords using poppassd.



> Hi,
> Does anyone know if there is a way to execute a shell command in a php
> script? I am trying to execute the following:
> /usr/sbin/cadduser -d -f Adrian -u testing -p testing -q 10 -w
> I have tried passthru(), system(), exec() and none seem to work. I also tried
> the backtick and that never worked. Any ideas anyone?
> Adrian
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chris Fry
Quillsoft Pty Ltd
Specialists in Secure Internet Services and E-Commerce Solutions
10 Gray Street
NSW  2217

Phone: +61 2 9553 1691
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I was sorry to read that Adrian said he received no
answers to his reply about the Zend Encoder Unlimited
from Zend.

We aim to be extremely responsive to all queries, but
if you find that you haven't received a reply, please
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will make sure you receive
a reply.

Generally, however, you can email [EMAIL PROTECTED], 

Nettie Feldman
Marketing Product Manager, Zend Technologies Ltd.

No idea if this will help, but not sure why you are serializing the array...

// sessionarray.php4



if (pagecount != "") {
 $name[] = $newName;
 $city[] = $newCity;
 $state[] = $newState;
 $postcode[] = $newPostcode;


<form method="post" action="<? echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">
Enter a name:
<input type="text" name="newName"><br>
Enter a city:
<input type="text" name="newCity"><br>
Enter a state:
<input type="text" name="newState"><br>
Enter a postcode:
<input type="text" name="newPostcode"><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="enter values" >
for ($i = 0; $i < count($name); $i++) {
 echo "<B> $name[$i] </b>  $city[$i] $state[$i] $postcode[$i] <br>";

"Christian Dechery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Can somebody please help me out??
> I'm going nuts...
> what's wrong with this piece of code?
> <pre>
>                  if(!isset($script_total_time))
>                  {
>                          // register the session variables to keep track
> step times
>                      $script_total_time=(float)$total_time;
>                          session_register("script_total_time");
>                          $step_times_array[$step]=$total_time;
>                          $step_times=serialize($step_times_array);
>                          //echo "step_times=\"$step_times\""; <- this
> echoes perfeclty
>                          session_register("step_times");
>                  }
>                  else
>                  {
>                          // update session variables
>                      $script_total_time+=(float)$total_time;
>                          $step_times_array=unserialize($step_times);
>                          $step_times_array[$step]=$total_time;
>                          $step_times=serialize($step_times_array);
>                  }
> </pre>
> why doesn't $step_times gets registered correctly? it always register an
> empty var...
> ____________________________
> . Christian Dechery (lemming)
> .
> . Gaita-L Owner / Web Developer


Any idea how can i possibly access an Interbase database residing in NT4 from 
my web server running in Linux? 

Thanks a lot.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Any idea how can i possibly access an Interbase database residing in NT4
> my web server running in Linux?

To do this, I believe you will have to compile PHP on the Linux box with the
Linux GDS libraries (as if you were going to use Interbase locally).

I've not done this however.

The Interbase install on Linux is GLibC only (which I found out the hard way
*mumble*), but is freely available.  We use it here.

When compiling PHP4, "./configure --with-interbase" is required, along with
your other options.

Hope this helps you.


phpLinks v2.0b is released. -

Changes -
Download -
Please note, this is a beta release.


1, Ok, I checked my existing apache install (httpd -l and it has
2. Installed php using the following line: configure
3. Changed my httpd.conf file to allow .php:
                        - AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
                        - AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

I created a test file named: 1.php with the following code in it:
<? phpinfo();?>

When I type this url in: it asks me to save
it. (in netscape or IE)

Any help on what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance.

On Mon,  2 Apr 2001 15:31, natter wrote:
> 1, Ok, I checked my existing apache install (httpd -l and it has
> mod_so.c)
> 2. Installed php using the following line: configure
> --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin
> 3. Changed my httpd.conf file to allow .php:
>                         - AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
>                         - AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
> I created a test file named: 1.php with the following code in it:
> <? phpinfo();?>
> When I type this url in: it asks me to save
> it. (in netscape or IE)
> Any help on what I'm doing wrong here?
> Thanks in advance.

4. restart apache to read changes to config file?

David Robley                        | WEBMASTER & Mail List Admin
AusEinet                            |
            Flinders University, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA

Sorry. :( Yes, I have done this many times.

My version below is just the 1st steps I took. I have spend
3 hours trying to reconfigure and try anything that I could think of.

Thanks though.

David Robley wrote:

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 12:01:08AM -0600, natter wrote:

> 3. Changed my httpd.conf file to allow .php:
>                         - AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
>                         - AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

Do you have the directive to load the php-module in your httpd.conf?

| LoadModule php4_module        /path/to/the/module/ 

-fkr, and don't forget the 'apachectl restart'
gpg-fingerprint: 076E 1E87 3E05 1C7F B1A0  8A48 0D31 9BD3 D9AC 74D0 
  | | whois -h FKR-RIPE  |
  |all your base are belong to us  |  shame on me  | fkr@IRCnet | 


How do I manually compile php-4.0.5-dev with an Apache rpm installation?  Or do
I have to install both apache and php manually?  I know how to do the second
method, but as much as possible, I don't want to hose the running apache install.



Hi all,

I have been trying to install PHP4.0 to Apache1.3 on Win2K platform.
I followed the instruction carefully, and all of applications, PHP4.0,
Apache1.3, MySQL are installed correctly, I think. However when I put
the URI into the browser, http://localhost/test.php, I got message "The
page cannot be found". I checked error log said 

"[Mon Apr 02 03:02:03 2001] [error] [client] Invalid URI in
request GET /test.php HTTP/1.1"

I changed every elements related with this error message.
And I found out one thing that if I changed name from test.php to test
php3, it seems ok. It didn't generate error message. But it is still not
be shown in browser, it show brank page. But when I push source bottum,
it is shown collect source code....... I don't know what I should do
next. Is there someone who can explain this situation? Please. 

Thank you.


I am using Apache 1.3.19 for Win32 and PHP 4.04 as a module. I would like to
retrieve, as a variable, the user name loged in the W2000 domain. Running
PHPINFO() function it does not display USERNAME variable so I would like to
know if there is other alternative to accomplish this task.


Hi all
I have been to look at manual about session, in php4, still not quite get it.
Basically if I have sniplet below in one page, how do I assign value into that session 
and how do I call it up in next page? I sthe way I assign value into session correct? 
( I think it did not, because it did not work, but still need to show what I did, so 
help can get to the right point easier).
Note: that I simply hardcode value into session just to see if it will like it.
$test = "myname";
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for yourself"

I'm daft. I don't understand the PHP Manual.

I have two arrays:
Open[0] contains 1 2 3 4 5
Closed[0] contains 1 2

$test = array_diff($Open, $Closed);
$lines = count($test);
print $lines;

Gives me: 1
I thought it should be 3.

for ($counter =0; $counter <= $lines -1; $counter++)
        print $test[0];

gives me "5".

What I was hoping was that $lines should be 3 and that I'd get

V e r b a l

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 12:41:07AM -0700, V e r b a l wrote:
> I'm daft. I don't understand the PHP Manual.
> I have two arrays:
> Open[0] contains 1 2 3 4 5
> Closed[0] contains 1 2

So the arrays contain one string each? array_diff() won't work then.
Try this:

$a = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$b = array(1, 2);
$test = array_diff($a, $b);
$lines = count($test);
echo $lines;

The output should be:

3array(3) {


Hi Experts,

I'm planning to build a template but failed to do so....

Here is the code:


include "class.FastTemplate.php";

$tpl = new FastTemplate("../usr/local/apache/htdocs/toplevel.tpl");

$tpl->define(array("toplevel" => "toplevel.tpl"));

$tpl->assign("title", "R U THEre");
$tpl->assign("content", "try this out");

$tpl->parse("main", "toplevel");



Warning: Failed opening 'class.FastTemplate.php' for inclusion 
(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/tem.php on 
line 3

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: fasttemplate in 
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/tem.php on line 5

Please consult, thanks...

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Jon Rosenberg wrote:

> you could use flat files, another words store the user information in a text
> file like below:
> username|pass|email
> bob|fgffsdg|[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> and then just read and write the file with PHP.
> Jon

Be sure to crypt the password you're saving in the file. Then you crypt the
passwords coming in to the script with the same salt (se function crypt in the
manual). Then compare the two and see if they differ from each other.

Good luck

Knut H. Hassel Nielsen
Principal Engineer / Avdelingsingeniør
Norwegian University of Science and Technology / NTNU
Department of Computer and Information Science / IDI
N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Phone Office / Telefon jobb : (+47) 73 59 18 46
Fax   Office / Telefax jobb : (+47) 73 59 17 33
Cell. Phone / Mobiltelefon  :       91 59 86 06

Hi all
is this syntax correct to work on session in php4?

global $test;
$test = "foo";

but nest page when I call variable $test to echo it, nothing come up? what did I do 
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for yourself"

What does global and session_register do?


Say I'm Hot! - Post Your Picture!

I also tried this syntax:
global $test;
$test = "foo";

and it still not work as when I go to next page, and try echo $test, nothing
come up.
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for
----- Original Message -----
From: Joseph Bannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jacky@lilst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 3:44 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] is this syntax correct?

> > So what is the right way to do?
> I resent my email to the list. I've done mostly DB work, so I need to know
> what those functions do.
> J

Not really, do I need to have session_start at the sender page and the
receiver page?
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for
----- Original Message -----
From: Wade Halsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jacky@lilst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 3:48 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] is this syntax correct?

> do you have
> session_start();
>  at the top of the next page?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jacky@lilst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 10:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] is this syntax correct?
> > I also tried this syntax:
> > <?php
> > global $test;
> > $test = "foo";
> > session_register("test");
> > ?>
> >
> > and it still not work as when I go to next page, and try echo $test,
> nothing
> > come up.
> > Jack
> > "There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for
> > yourself"
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Joseph Bannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Jacky@lilst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 3:44 AM
> > Subject: RE: [PHP] is this syntax correct?
> >
> >
> > > > So what is the right way to do?
> > >
> > >
> > > I resent my email to the list. I've done mostly DB work, so I need to
> know
> > > what those functions do.
> > >
> > > J
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

Hi guys,

I seem to be having a problem uploading images.

My server is running on FreeBSD and i am using PHP ver 4

I have checked all the settings in my php.ini file.

max_execution_time = 30
memory_limit = 8M
post_max_size = 8M

file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 2M

I have a form that a user inputs data and can include an image file, using
which i create a html page.
Now the html page is being created in the particular directory but the image
upload gives an an error saying

Warning: Max file size of 2 bytes exceeded - file [image1] not saved in
Unknown on line 0

Warning: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent

Could you please help me out on this.


I notice that geocities does not allow you to reference images that are on
their servers to your homepage on another server/host. Is there a way to
make PHP send different host information to geocities' server?


I am trying to learn about sessions and set up this file,

 $fillista = "fillista.xml";
 $SID = date("Y F j H:i:s");
 print "SID=".$SID;

This seams not to work on the file fillista.xml, I can still read it
afterwords in IE:s cache. How do I pass the session to a xml-file on

Thanks for any help.


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