So I have Internet Explorer 6.0 with XP and have also installed Microsoft .NET framework 1.1. I
can't get my .php files to be viewed with my web browser. html files are diplayed okay but with
php files i get a blank screen.

I guess i need plug-ins for Internet Explorer but i thought that .NET covered that. Btw, I'm using
Apache 2 and MySQL 3.23 with PHP 5.0.

Can anyone give me a helping hand? Thanks

A couple of suggestions:
- Make sure you're accessing the PHP scripts via a URL (http://localhost/mypage.php)
- Turn on display_errors in your php.ini file and then restart Apache. It's possible you have an error which is causing the blank screen.
- If all else fails, run a simple phpinfo() script:
to test your PHP installation.

Hope that helps,

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