
thanks for your comment. Right, and similarly, it struck me that in case there are variable-names in the path, like in

require_once $my_lib_dir . "some_funcs.php";

the variable $my_lib_dir could only be known at run-time and not by any simple script just scanning the source.

Still, it would be possible to deliver a variable_name=value to the traversing function which would be good enough in most cases.

May get around to it one day...


At 06:46 PM 7/22/2004, Jason Barnett wrote:
Hmmm... this may be difficult to implement. For simple include/require trees it could be done quite easily... but __autoload opens up a whole other bag of worms. But now that I think of it I suppose you could create Reflections and get the location of class defintions from that. This might fit with something else I'm working on, I'll report back here if I come up with something useful.

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