On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 23:48:54 +0300, EE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dears,
> I am planing to rewrite my website. My site is tutorial-type site I
> wrote it, when I first learned php3, as an undergraduate research class.
> I think the code is sloppy as it is mixed with the HTML. I would like to
> rewrite the site utilizing the good things such OOP classes, template,
> etc. I would also like to separate my styles (CSS) from the HTML.
> I would like to have the following functions:
> 1. Printer Friendly Version Capability

You can use CSS and @media print to have *different* CSS for printing,
right from the same site. You could also just have a different
stylesheet that you include when the user wants to print. Or you could
have multiple templates. Whatever floats your boat.

> 2. Search-ability

A CMS could possibly handle this, but may be a bit big for this. If
you want search capabilities, I'd look into a local solution that
indexes your site manually. I've had good luck with mnogosearch.

> 3. Search Engine Friendly


> Therefore, I have the following questions:
> 1. What is the best way to store the tutorials. Should they be in a
> database or each in a separate HTML file.

I'd go for database. But if you do that, you may want to look into
some existing CMS software.

> 2. How to implement the above three points?
> I know it is a broad question but you can help me on whatever you know?

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