I try to load some 'modules' into my class. These modules are other classes.
I want to refer the main class to this new module but that doesn't work. At
the moment it looks like this:


function loadModule($name) {
    if(class_exists($name)) { //Class found
        if(!$this->module[$name]) {
            $this->module[$name] = new $name(&$this);
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

The mainfunktion of the module:

function module_artikelvote(&$parent) {
    $this->main = &$parent;
    return true;

I can use $this->main->VARIABLE but the values are old. If I call a function
with $this->main->func_name(); it doesn't work, but there also isn't an
error message!

What's wrong with these functions?

Thanks for help, Michael

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