Not really knowing why you need to provide indexes for the array, since they are generated automatically if none are provided, I'd use:

$imgBkgrnd = array(

$imgNeeded = table['field'];

$imgName = $imgBkgrnd[$imgNeeded];

The last two lines are a it doesn't matter.

Note the use of single quotes in the array.
The parser can simply treat the values as text rather than having to check for variables, etc.

Robb Kerr wrote:

Just a quick question. Does it really matter how long your code is or how
many variables you use? For instance you can enter the following...

$imgBkgrnd = array("1"=> "bkgrnd-default.gif", "2" =>
"bkgrnd-positive.gif", "3" => "bkgrnd-negative.gif");
$imgNeeded = table['field'];
$imgName = $imgBkgrnd[$imgNeeded];

or, you can code the same thing as...

$imgBkgrnd = array("1"=> "bkgrnd-default.gif", "2" =>
"bkgrnd-positive.gif", "3" => "bkgrnd-negative.gif");
$imgName = $imgBkgrnd[$table['field']];

The first example uses one more variable and a longer code block but is
easier to read and debug. The second example uses one less variable and a
shorter code block but is harder to debug later. Should I be striving for
the shortest most compact code utilizing the fewest possible variables. Or,
can I code in a style which is easier to read and debug?

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