Hi all !

I'm developping a little web site with PHP via EasyPHP (http://www.easyphp.org) and I have a problem with sessions.
I use this software only to create and debugging PHP when I'm offline. :)

if (isset($_GET['log'])) {
switch($_GET['log']) {
case 'out':
$_SESSION = array();
$destroy= session_destroy();
if ($destroy) { echo 'Session destroyed'; } // And it echoes "Session destroyed"

Well, to be more explicit,

1. Log in with username and password to enter in member section (Success)
2. $_SESSION['login'] contains my username (Success, via an "echo $_SESSION['login']")
3. Browsing through WebSite and member section
4. Hitting link with code shown above (And it echoes "Session destroyed" and I got "Log in here" instead of $_SESSION['login'])
5. But... When I re-enter in the member section, no login prompt... and I got text with the username I entered before

session.auto_start            Off
session.bug_compat_42         Off
session.bug_compat_warn       On
session.cache_expire          180
session.cache_limiter         nocache
session.cookie_domain         no value
session.cookie_lifetime       0
session.cookie_path           /
session.cookie_secure         Off
session.entropy_file          no value
session.entropy_length        0
session.gc_divisor            1000
session.gc_maxlifetime        1440
session.gc_probability        1
session.name                  PHPSESSID
session.referer_check         no value
session.save_handler          files
session.save_path             C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-7\tmp\
session.serialize_handler     php
session.use_cookies           On
session.use_only_cookies      Off
session.use_trans_sid         Off

Some ideas !?

PS: Sorry for english, my second language...

Jonathan Langlois

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