Hey, an alternative to your switch statement, is to have an
associative array with the full State names in it like this ...
$states = array('MI'=>'Michigan'); and so forth.
then just uses it in your html..  $states['$state'];


On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 15:28:11 -0400, Tom Ray [Lists]
> Hey all-
> I've run into a small bump in some code I'm writing for a membership
> database. The first thing that needs to be done is an index of all
> states in the US with members. The fun part is that the state
> information is stored as the abbreviation in the database (ie MI, WI)
> and the HTML page needs to display the full name of the State. I want to
> display the information in a four column table that kicks out as many
> rows as needed. Now in order to get the full name of the state, I'm
> running the state result through a switch statement. Actaully, it's
> working rather well expect for this little issue:
> Row 8: South Dakota Tennessee Texas Virgina
> Row 9: West Virgina Wisconsin Texas Virgina
> I need to kill that extra Texas and Virgina.....here's how I'm doing this:
> <table border=1>
> <?
> $query=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT state FROM members WHERE
> country='US' ORDER BY state ASC");
> while($q=mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
> $q1=mysql_fetch_array($query);
> $q2=mysql_fetch_array($query);
> $q3=mysql_fetch_array($query);
> $q4=mysql_fetch_array($query);
> (4 Switch statements here one for q1, q2, q3, q4)
> ?>
> <tr><td><?= $state1 ?></td><td><?= $state2 ?></td><td><?= $state3
> ?></td><td><?= $state4 ?></td></tr>
> <?
> }
> ?>
> Any thoughts, let me know if more information is needed.
> TIA.
> --
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