I don't like appearing rude, but I think you need to reevaluate your
request some.  What you're asking for is not a 'code snippet' - it's
an application.  A fairly customized application, I'd think too.

Write down exactly the features and functionality you'd want.
Search around the web for programs that do that.
Ask those people if you can have it for free.  MOST of them will
tell you to take a hike.  Some will oblige.

If all you want is something to type names/times in, just stick to
MS Word and save as HTML.  If you want something more advanced,
think about all the features that go into it.  It's NOT a 'snippet'.

As you can see, you've touched a nerve here.  :)

Michael Roark wrote:

> While this would work. Its a service for which you pay. I was looking for a
> code snippet.
> At 02:56 PM 4/2/2001 -0400, Rick St Jean wrote:
> >check out
> >
> >www.ileaguemanager.com
> >
> >At 12:12 PM 4/2/01 -0500, Michael Roark wrote:
> >>Does anyone have any code which creates schedules? Like to create a works
> >>schedule or a league schedule (baseball, softball that sort of thing)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>-Micahel
> >>

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