<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> for ($j = 0; $j < 32; $j++) {
>     for ($i = 0; $i < count($num_days); $i++) {
>         $template->addVar("room_num", "ROOM_NUM", '101');
>         $template->addVar("room_type", "ROOM_TYPE", 'NQQ');
>         $template->addVar("guest_NameRate", "GUEST_NAME", 'NAVID YAR');
>         $template->addVar("guest_NameRate", "GUEST_ID", 'fname');
>         $template->addVar("guest_NameRate", "CLASS_GUEST", 'fname');
>         $template->addVar("guest_NameRate", "ROOM_RATE", '49.95');
>         $template->parseTemplate("guest_NameRate", "a");
>     }
>     $template->parseTemplate("guest_row", "a");
> }
> This inner for() loop works great. It creates a SINGLE row with 7 columns
> data (one column for each day of the week). However, the outer for() loop
> does not work like it should. I want it to display 32 rows of 7 columns
> row. But what happens is that on every row after the first row it appends
> more columns at the end of each row. So row 2 will have 14 columns, row 3
> will have 21 columns, row 4 will have 28 columns, and so on. I can't
> out why this is. Either it's something new in PHP5 or I'm doing something
> really stupid. I am sending a PDF attachment of a snapshot showing a hint,
> made purely with HTML, of what I am trying to achieve. If anyone can help
> it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

I seriously doubt that php has problems to execute for loop correctly, you
are probably missusing your template system. Say what does "a" stand for in:

  $template->parseTemplate("guest_NameRate", "a");

if it stands for append, than maybe in second pass through the loop you add
7 fiends to allready existing 7, in 3. pass you add 7 more to 14 existing,


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