This is what is says in the online php manual:

... You should add the MAX_FILE_SIZE form variable anyway as it saves users
the trouble of waiting for a big file being transferred only to find that it
was too big and the transfer actually failed.

... The MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden field must precede the file input field. Also,
be sure your file upload form has enctype="multipart/form-data".

I have done all of the above, however, the file is ALWAYS uploaded first
before the filesize is checked (which then generates an error 2 stored in
the $_FILES array). This isn't horrible for small files, but, for larger
files it sucks that the user has to wait for the entire file to upload first
before being told it's too big.

If the MAX_FILE_SIZE form variable doesn't prevent this, as the manual says
it should, then what's the point of using it?

I'm using PHP 4.3.2 on Redhat Linux ES 3.0.


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