
M. Sokolewicz a écrit :
You could try something like:
$return = preg_replace('#<h[1-9]>(.*)</h[1-9]>#Uie', 'str_replace("<br />", "", "$1")');

- Tul

Kathleen Ballard wrote:

Here is the code I am using to match the <h*> tags:

I think this mask is better :

I have removed all the NL and CR chars from the string I am matching to make things easier. Also, I have run tidy on the code so the tags are all uniform.

The above string seems to match the tag well now, but
I still need to remove the br tags from the tag
contents (.*).
To remove the <br /> tags, you need to call preg_replace_callback() :

$str = '<h1>hi <br /> ..</h1> bla bla <h5> .... <br /> ..</h5> ...<br />';
function cbk_br($match) {
return '<h' . $match[1] . '>' . str_replace('<br />', '', $match[2]) . '</h' . $match[1] . '>';
$return = preg_replace_callback('`<h([1-6])>(.*?)</h\1>`si', 'cbk_br', $str);
echo $return;

The strings I will be matching are html formatted text. Sample <h*> tags with content are below:

<h4>Ex-Secretary Mickey Mouse <br />Loses Mass.

<h4>Ex-Secretary Mickey Mouse <br />Loses Mass.
Primary <br /> Wins New Jersey</h4>

<h4>Ex-Secretary Reich Loses Mass. Primary</h4>

Again, any help is appreciated.

Fabrice Lezoray

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