    I'm having the weirdest problem.  I'm trying to install PHP as a CGI program using 
SuExec and FastCGI but I keep on getting a "Premature end of script headers: php" 
error in my Apache error_log.  I got it working when I set up PHP to run as a CGI 
program when there's no virtual hosts, but as soon as I create a virtual host I get 
the end of script headers error.

I'm trying to get PHP working as a CGI program before attempting to get it to run via 
FastCGI.  Since I'm able to make it work without virtual hosts I'm assuming that my 
configuration is correct and that the problem lies in the virtual host itself.  Here's 
the virtual host as it stands.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName hostname
    DocumentRoot /home/user/htdocs
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
    ErrorLog logs/error_log
    SuExecUserGroup user users

    Does anyone know of a way around this problem?


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