On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 17:17, Michael T. Peterson wrote:
> Hi,
> I know this must be really obvious to many of you, but I have been unable to
> configure DW (using [preferences] or [site->edit]) so that it will execute a
> php script from a <form action="foo.php"...> tag.  When the submit button is
> clicked the php file is displayed, rather than executed.
> Here's the HTML code of the submit button form:
> <form action="update_river_measurements.php" method="post" name="form1"
> target="mainFrame">
>      <select name="interval_period">
>           <option>Select interval</option>
>           <option value="2">2 days</option>
>           <option value="4">4 days</option>
>           <option value="8">8 days</option>
>           <option value="31">31 days</option>
>   </select>
>      <input type="submit" value="Update Database">
> </form>
> When the [Update Database] button is clicked, the file specified by the
> action parameter is displayed, rather than executed.
> My dev machine is a Windows XP system with Apache, PHP, and MySQL installed.
> I have confirmed that my Apache-PHP configuration is correctly configured.
> For example,  PHP correctly executes the script when I pass
> "update_river_measurements.php" to IExplore.exe from the command line. Also,
> when I upload these local files to my ISP, the PHP also executes correctly.
> Any suggestions as to how to get DW to execute these files would be
> appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> P.S. Cross-posted to the DreamWeaver news group

When you set up or edit your site, click on the advanced tab and set up
the testing server.  All you need is the server model (PHP MySQL),
access (Local/Network), testing server folder
(C:\path\to\your\apache\htdocs_folder), and finally the URL prefix
(http://localhost/path_to/folder_with_scripts). Then when you preview
your pages in a browser, it will run through apache and not as a
local/unserved file.

Hope this helps,



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