Hi Curt,

Damn, looks like I (unintentionally) gave you guys
quite a challenge! You're the first one to reply and
looks like you sure worked on it!

> For starters, if your going to provide some code,
> make sure its
> readable by others.. trying to figure out what it is
> doing is
> nearly impossible the way it is written..

Sorry about that, I didnt write the code, I "snipped"
it off from phpbuilder (i think, might have been
another php help site) and since it was working I
didnt touch or do anything.

Will go through the modifications and advise you gave
me and will write back if.. any problems.

Thanks again,

- The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard.
- Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster!
- Smile, everyone loves a moron. :-)

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