On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 05:34:05PM +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:

> Try register globals off, see if it helps.
> (You need to use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS)

ok. will do that. Does $HTTP_SESSION_VARS always work? (even with
register_globals being on?)

> FYI: It seems there is race condition problem in current session module, but it
> shouldn't occur that often. I don't know if it's closed or not. Search BugDB if
> you need.

will do that. thanks. sounds like what I expected.

> One thing I can think of is your script may be running to long, try to increase
> max_execution_time in  your php.ini. Session is stored to whatever
> (file/mm/user) when script execution is ended.

mmmh...it's set to 30 seconds (the default), which I'd think is plenty.
But I'll increase it anyways.

thanks for the hints.
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