I'm doing a bunch of LDAP work with PHP-4.3.6 and keep running up
against this annoyance.   If I do an ldap_search() and get the first
entry, I can't then tweak some of the attribute/values and then
directly use ldap_add() to put a new version into the directory.  The
reason is that the ldap_get_entries() function returns any array or
sub-array with a gratuitous "count" index. 

For example, the following code (error checking removed for clarity):

  $results = ldap_search($ldapConn, $baseDN, "uid=cshenton");
  $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldapConn, $results);
  $entry = $entries[0];
  echo "entry=<pre>" . print_r($entry, true) . "</pre>";

Prints the following (with some tedious attribute/value pairs removed):


      [cn] => Array
              [count] => 1
              [0] => Chris Shenton-2

      [0] => cn
      [sn] => Array
              [count] => 1
              [0] => Shenton

      [1] => sn
      [objectclass] => Array
              [count] => 2
              [0] => inetOrgPerson
              [1] => qmailUser
      [count] => 14
      [dn] => cn=Chris Shenton-2,ou=Headquarters,o=National Aeronautics and Space 

My code then fiddles with the old DN to create a new entry, then tries
to add it to LDAP:

  if (! ldap_add($ldapConn, $newDN, $entry)) {
    die("ldap_add failed, errno=". ldap_errno($ldapConn) . ": " 
        . ldap_error($ldapConn));

It fails (but oddly, ldap_error() reports Success).  The problem is
the 'count' and attribute-named indices (e.g., 'sn') in addition to
the numeric indices:

  Warning: ldap_add(): Value array must have consecutive indices 0, 1, ... in 
  /home/cshenton/public_html/newhorseadmin/ldap_search_add_test.php on line 45
  ldap_add failed, errno=0: Success

Am I missing something or is it not possible to simply take a search
result, then add it back?  Seems I have to strip out all these
gratuitous 'count' and non-numeric indices each time, which isn't
intuitive, obvious, or the most direct way of doing things.


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