On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 19:03:32 -0500, Alex Hogan
> Hi All,
> I have this expression;
>         $query  =       "INSERT INTO $table (%s) VALUES (%s)";
>         $query  =       sprintf($query, implode(",", $fld), implode(",",
> $val));
>         $result =       mssql_query($query) or die($errmsg);
> I am trying to insert values from an array into the database.
> I keep getting the error that I can't pass column names in this context.
> I know it's because I'm not enclosing $val in quotes.
> I've tried a number of variations;
> implode("\"","\"", $val)
> implode("\',\'", $val)
> implode(",", "\"".$val."\"") - This blows up nicely ;-)
> Where am I going wrong on this?

1) By using implode to do this
2) By not escaping quotes in the data

If you look in the PEAR::DB code, here's how they quote field names:

    function quoteIdentifier($str)
        return '[' . str_replace(']', ']]', $str) . ']';

and here's how they quote values:

    function quoteSmart($in)
        if (is_int($in) || is_double($in)) {
            return $in;
        } elseif (is_bool($in)) {
            return $in ? 1 : 0;
        } elseif (is_null($in)) {
            return 'NULL';
        } else {
            return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $in) . "'";

DB_DataObject_FormBuilder - The database at your fingertips

paperCrane --Justin Patrin--

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