Justin Patrin wrote:

On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 14:07:52 +0100, Adrian Teasdale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there

On one site we have a 1.4 second delay before a page loads.  We've added
mod_gzip and mmCache to the server.  Mod_gzip has definitely helped with
the speed of page loading, but this 1.4 second delay is still there.
The browser hits the page, then there is a delay on 1.4 seconds before
the page comes back.  We have uploaded the page as a static page and
this does not happen, so I'm presuming that this is a php or mysql
issue. Any ideas or suggestions of how to track it down?

Use a profiler or an IDE which can do profiling. Check your queries to see if they're inefficient. https://www.reversefold.com/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=PHPFAQs#id924218

Without more specific details, I can't help you. What is your code
doing? What kind of queries are you running? How much data is there?

As justin has pointed out more details are needed to provide usefull answers - however one issue could be DNS.
ie: if your database is not on the same machine as the web server it could be that your dns queries are not being cached and takes a bit of time to resolve the host - this is however a guess in that dark. On the same vein if you are making any sort of socket connection a lag of few hundred milliseconds may have to be accepted.

-- Raditha Dissanayake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.radinks.com/sftp/ | http://www.raditha.com/megaupload Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with | Mega Upload - PHP file uploader Graphical User Inteface. Just 128 KB | with progress bar.

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