Aaron Todd wrote:
I thought someone might ask me that.  I honestly dont know.  I have been
looking for a comand that I can run to find out, but I havent found one.  I
have SSH access to the server so if you know of a way to get the version
please let me know.

Well, it looks like str_split() was introduced in PHP5, and I think it's safe to say that most production servers out there are still running php4. Make a php file in the document root of your web site with this in it....




And access it with a browser...

http://www.mysite.com/phpinfo.php (or whatever you name the file)

and you can see the version of php, as well as all the configuration options. Also, if you have the cli installed, you can type this in via a shell....

php -v

and that will give you version info.

John C. Nichel

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