Joshua Capy wrote:
> of PHPADMIN and try use pg_query() to do a select such as "SELECT
> PersonID FROM person"
> the string that is sent is "select personid from person". Now this is
> a problem because in the data base the field PersonID is not the same
> case as in the select that is sent and I get the error
> Warning: pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: column "personid" does not
> exist in /Users/jcapy2/Sites/Jesper/SyncPosgresToMbrMaxData.php on
> line 70
> If I change the field to all lower case in the database this does not
> happen.

Are you certain that the query is being sent in lowercase?  Have you echo()'ed the
query to the browser to verify that?  I believe in Postgres that you have to quote
any identifiers contain mixed case or spaces.  Try sending your query as

SELECT "PersonID" FROM person

and see if that makes a difference.  I wouldn't be surprised if phpAdmin quotes all
identifiers just to be safe...

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