On Friday 13 August 2004 01:14 pm, Torsten Roehr wrote:
> James, have you tried with manually calling session_start() and setting
> auto_start = 0? If not, please try this.
> Haven't followed your previous thread so please forgive me if I'm asking
> something you already wrote. Are you using cookies? 


These are my current cookie related php.ini settings.

session.use_cookies = 1
; session.use_only_cookies  defaults to 0
; session.use_only_cookies = 1

> If so, have you tried 
> without them by appending the session id manually to the links?

I tried that without turning cookies off and appending the SID to the 
offending anchor tag (the one with javascript). Nothing I tried worked with 
current php.ini settings.

I tried like this:

echo("\n <BR><BR><A 
HREF=\"javascript:popUpBI('SESSION_TEST2.php?".SID."')\">THIS STARTS NEW 

Which gave me this anchor tag:

And like this:

echo ("<a href=\"javascript:popUpBI('SESSION_TEST2.php?PHPSESSID=".

Which gave me this anchor tag:

> Try these settings:
> session.auto_start    = 0
> session.use_cookies   = 0
> session.use_trans_sid = 0
> Put session_start() at the top of ALL your pages and write your links this
> way:
> <a href="page2.php?<?php echo SID; ?>">to page 2 </a>

I tried with php.ini settings like you suggested and it didn't work at all. 
Whatever you clicked on started a new session. Then I turned 
session.use_trans_sid = 1 with auto_start and use_cookies still turned off 
and my example code started working!!! My problem is that all my other real 
world apps do not work with php.ini settings like that. :(

So it seems that the cookie part of sessions is broken somehow and my earlier 
idea of adding something to url_rewrite wouldn't help even if I could figure 
out what to add to it. Anyone have any other ideas. Can I upgrade to 
something higher than 4.3.8? Would that mean upgrading to 5.x?

James Hicks

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