which tells you if the locale where the server is was in DST or not on that
date - atleast if I understand the PHP documentation right... since the
timestamps don't contain locale info ... I wanna know if a specific locale
was in DST on that given date .... 

I hate having to work with dates ... I know it basically requires to code
the dst days for the entire globe into the system, but had hoped someone had
already done that .... as much as I hate using others code, this is one
thing I'd rather avoid having to program...

Documented research indicates that on Sun, 15 Aug 2004 10:31:17 +0300,
Burhan Khalid wrote about "Re: [PHP] How to determine if date/time is with
DST or not ?":

>-{ Rene Brehmer }- wrote:
>> hi gang
>> I'm trying to find a simple way to determine if a given date/time is with
>> DST for a given locale at any point in time ... the point is basically to
>> convert date strings into accurate GMT timestamps for storage in the
>> database...
>I (capital i)  Whether or not the date is in daylights savings time    1 if 
>Daylight Savings Time, 0 otherwise.
>[ snipped rest ]

Rene Brehmer
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