Hi Angelo,

--- Angelo Zanetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Still no luck with sessions.


> a1.php:
> <? 
> session_start();
> header("Cache-control: private"); // IE 6 Fix. 
> if(isset($_POST['Submit']))
> {             
>       $_SESSION["login"]="inside";
>       session_write_close();
>       header("Location: a2.php");
>       exit();
> }
> ?>

I see two problems immediately. First, you're doing more than testing
sessions here. You need to trim down your test code to do only that and
nothing else. Right now, the important bit is within a conditional
statement, and that's needless complexity. You want to be 100% sure that
you're testing what you mean to be testing.

The second problem is that you send an improper Location header, and this
may very well be what is causing your problem. This header requires an
absolute URL, and some browsers will not include cookies in the request
for the new URL when you use a relative one, even if it seems to "work"

Hope that helps.


Chris Shiflett - http://shiflett.org/

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