> Thanks for the info Matt - recommend any good websites for learning to
> script???
> Cheerios,
> Bobbie

For PHP, there's no beating php.net. Probably one of the best sites for
learning. I'm sure someone else can list other sites to help but I've
always used php.net and Google Groups for anything php related....oh, uh,
yeah...and this mailing list, too, I guess. ;)

But if you've never scripted before, starting off with Korn is a great
beginners language and is considered highly required for Unix/Linux
admins. In fact, you NEED to know Bourne/Korn.


Start a collection of O'Reilly books. They're considered trophy's to
display at your work...though you actually have to read them and not
simply stack them up.

Once you get the hang of the basics, all languages will be a cinch to
learn. They're all the same, just different syntax.

--Matthew Sims

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