> [snip]
> Yes it does. Do you think it's not so slow ?
> > [snip]
> > Well, I changed my script a little for tests and turned off the
> queries.
> > Now
> > I'm setting some defaults data to those 300 objects but it's still
> > slow.
> > I create for every value, key and product a different object so it's
> in
> > fact
> > 30*10*5 objects. Then I run __toString() method one by one and
> generate
> > my
> > page. Is it proper to creating a separate objects for all values ?
> > makes
> > my code much more easy...
> > [/snip]
> >
> > So let me see if I understand. It takes 1.2 seconds to generate 1500
> > objects (30*10*5)?
> >
> [/snip]
> How large are the objects? I do not think that this is too slow. How
> fast do you think it should be?
As fast as java is. Object are as simple as String objects in Java.
are only few methods, constructor and __soString. It should get data
base and return one line of html code.

You cannot compare JAVA to PHP because the methodologies are so
different. And personally I find Java to be terribly slow when working
with externally stored data. We have pretty much stopped developing in

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