
Firstly, i'm using PHP 4.3.8 and MySQL 4.0.20, on Linux. PHP is
connecting to MySQL over a local socket connection.

I have a PHP script that runs constantly on one of my servers. It
basically does some processing work with data in a MySQL database,
pnctl_fork()s a child process to do some slow-ish task afterwards
(posting some data to a less-than-reliable webserver, and then
modifying an SQL table with the results), and sleeps for 10 seconds. It
wasn't too often that the child process in question was still running
during the next iteration of the loop in the parent, but i assume
that if it was the situation i describe below would also have cropped
up then.
So, okay, the above was working fine. Then i added some code /after/
the fork, but before sleeping and the next iteration of the loop,
which executes in the parent. So now the likelihood of both parent
and children attempting to run SQL queries at the same time increases
quite a bit.

Since adding the above mentioned code, i now get "Lost connection to
MySQL server during query". Not often, though - at most it seems to
occur once a day, often only every couple of days, with this script
running 24/7.

I've searched mailing lists, and Google. This is the most promising
thing google turned up:

However, i'd anticipated that multiple processes using one resource
would cause problems, and inside the child i create a new MySQL
resource and use that. I'm using the exact same parameters to MySQL
connect in the child as the parent, except i am supplying new_link,
and setting it to true. I've checked and double checked all my MySQL
functions in the child are using this new SQL resource, and they are. I
am calling mysql_close($theresource) before the child process exits.
In the parent, i am not specifying a resource - however, PHP should
use the last resource link opened AFAIK, and as far as the parent
process is concerned no other link has ever been opened.

I mean, the most likely candidate for the cause of this problem is
the whole processes trying to write to one connection symultaneously
thing - especially as the problem didn't manifest itself until i
added SQL queries immediately after on both sides of the fork... but
unless new_link isn't working, i don't see how it can be the cause
of this issue.
To investigate my suspicion that it's not opening a new link, i've
set tcpdump going on the server and will analyse the dumpfile once
the error crops up again - however i'm posting here asking for advice
as i really need to get it fixed /soon/. I thought someone might have
other ideas.

Has anyone else had similar problems? Any ideas?

I've checked the MySQL server error logs. There doesn't seem to be
anything related to this problem in there at all.

Thanks a lot for any assistance, i'm tearing my hair out over this
one :(
 - Daniel

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