
Yes indeed that's what it's doing. But that's ok... My main concern was for
Windows users because that's the majority of the users for this application.


On 8/23/04 12:50 PM, "Jonathan Haddad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In Safari it'll download the file and then open it.
> Jon
> PHP Junkie wrote:
>> Ave,
>> There wasn't one bit of a problem..
>> I'll just paste the code here again for anyone who might be looking for it.
>> I guess I was very close to it but just doing one thing wrong... I wasn't
>> specifying the Basename directive.
>> <?php
>> $file = "$P/$F";
>> header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
>> header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
>> header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($file));
>> @readfile($file);
>> ?> 
>> Although this doesn't work on MAC... It works on Windows .. In Mac it still
>> opens up the file in it's supported software. But it's not an issue for me.
>> Thanks a ton guys...
>> On 8/23/04 10:51 AM, "John Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> From: "PHP Junkie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> I have created a File Manager Application for my company which has a place
>>>> where authorized users can download the stored files. The files are of
>>>> various MIME Types.. Mainly PDF, TXT & DOC.
>>>> What I want to do is basically... When the user clicks on the Download
>>>> Button... The Save As Dialog Box should appear...
>>>> What is happening right now is that the file opens in it's related
>>>> software
>>>> (Word, Acrobat, Notepad etcetera). I don't want the file to open in it's
>>>> native software.
>>>> I know I need to use the
>>>> header ("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
>>>> But I don't know how.
>>> Read the first comment here: http://us4.php.net/readfile
>>> ---John Holmes...

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