I'm after some pointers on how to dump and load SQL files to and from mySQL
using a PHP/HTML form.

I've read the manual about "LOAD DATA INFILE", but as far as I can tell that
won't help in this case. Unfortunately, CSV files are not an option
(client's demands... go figure).

What I'm after is dumping/uploading SQL files of the form:

# PHP/MySQL Demo - Table Dump
# --------------------------------------------------------

# Structure

   id tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL auto_increment,
   name char(50) NOT NULL,
   logo_url char(50) NOT NULL,
   page_colour char(6) DEFAULT 'FFFFFF' NOT NULL,
   last_order datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (id),
   KEY id (id),
   UNIQUE id_2 (id)

# Data

INSERT INTO demo (id, name, logo_url, page_colour, last_order) VALUES (
'01', 'CompanyName', 'logo.gif', '99CCFF', '2001-04-06 13:21:31');

Complete with table creation and data inserts. In effect, it needs to be
standalone text files full of SQL commands.

I know it can be done, because phpMyAdmin has exactly this facility. But
even after studying the code of that carefully, I can't tell which specific
pieces are handling this enough to extract the facility.

Can anyone point me, or is willing to donate, any articles/code snippets/etc
that will help.


Andy Warwick

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