We upgraded from win32 php 4.3.4 to 4.3.7 and my php command line script

I am using safe_mode=on. If I use safe_mode=off instead of safe_mode=on
it works. Why
would my php command line script work with win32 php 4.3.4 with
safe_mode=on but not
with 4.3.7?

For a test I created a file f:\batfiles\batch\today.bat that contains
the following line:
date /t

I can then run the following command to test:
php -c F:\batfiles\batch\php.ini -r

with win32 php 4.3.7 with safe_mode=on  I get nothing
with win32 php 4.3.7 with safe_mode=off I get Wed 08/25/2004

with win32 php 4.3.4 with safe_mode=on  I get Wed 08/25/2004
with win32 php 4.3.4 with safe_mode=off I get Wed 08/25/2004

In case you are wondering php.ini also contains:

        safe_mode_exec_dir = f:\batfiles\batch
        open_basedir = f:\batfiles\batch

Any suggestions?


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