I'm using MySQL Jay

I can present the results in a table easy enough and if I replace the TD
TAGs with commas etc. I get a screen output that resembles a CSV file
need to go that one step further and don't know how...

Use CSV (without the table thing) and place Excel header definitions in
the script....

header("Content-Type:  application/vnd.ms-excel");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"excel.xls\"");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");

and then an example from one of our spreadsheet outputs....

print($rowage->TmsNoLines . ",");
print($rowage->TmsStatus . ",");
print($rowage->TmsPaidDate . ",");
print(number_format($rowage->Current, 2, '.', '') . ",");
print(number_format($rowage->Thirty, 2, '.', '') . ",");
print(number_format($rowage->Sixty, 2, '.', '') . ",");
print(number_format($rowage->Ninety, 2, '.', '') . ",");
print(number_format($rowage->OneTwenty, 2, '.', '') . ",\n");

We usually make the link open in a new window when outputting sheets
like this. All the user needs to do is save it locally at that poiint.

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