It's probably not the cause of your problem (I know little to nothing about
Interbase), but why the if... loop in your code?

Your if:

 if ($val < $NumCases)

does the same thing as your for:

for ($val = 0;  $val < $NumCases; ++$val)

Unless of course you wanted it that way...

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

""Wade Halsey"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I have the following code

/*number of times to run*/
$NumCases = $HTTP_POST_VARS['txtNumCases'];
/*execute the sql*/
$sqlLargeRequest = sqlexecute($LargeRequest);

for ($val = 0;  $val < $NumCases; ++$val){
 if ($val < $NumCases) {

$details = sqlFetchObject( $sqlLargeRequest );

$AccNo = $details ->ACCNO;
etc etc

It executes the correct number of times but doesnt move to the next
record.Im using an Interbase DB.  Any ideas??


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