Well i think in a way that getting programmers certified is one thing. I
also think that there might be a need for software certification.
Where it would validate that the standars have been fallowed, check the
quality of the code, check for security, check for proper docummentation
(comments, uml, user docs)
Some what like the ISO 9002 certification but more software oriented.

I think this would help php be more accepted by large compagnies, banks
and gouvernements. It would also reassure the company that buy a
software. The problem with this it would requiert alot of work!

Certify programmers is just solving one part of the problem.
Certifying software and business is the big piece and where money will
be involed.!

On Sat, 2004-08-28 at 11:57, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> --- Yann Larrivee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I personally dont beleive in this. It is juste another way to make
> > money ;) Every body in the indeustry should know that.
> Disclaimer: I assisted in the creation of the Zend PHP Certification.
> You're right - this is another way to make money. However, based on my
> interpretation of what you're suggesting, I think you're wrong about where
> Zend intends to make that money. You really think they're going to make a
> significant amount of money from people paying to take this certification?
> Zend is a major company that will grow as PHP itself grows. This
> certification helps PHP in the enterprise and make it seem like a more
> legitimate option for companies looking to spend a lot of money on their
> Web infrastructure. It also helps the entire PHP community, whether we get
> certified or not. The more PHP is used, the more demand for PHP developers
> there will be, the higher the salaries will be, etc.
> > PHP.net has nothing to do with it, execpt that some people from the
> > php.net team help put it together.
> I assume you mean the PHP Group has nothing to do with it (php.net is a
> domain name with no other significance), and you're right. Of course, Zend
> is a much more appropriate entity for this. I'd prefer that the PHP Group
> spend their time making PHP better and better.
> > Hostely, what kind of market value does the certification has? Go get
> > sun certified at least it has some sort of history and value.
> You should think about that for a minute (apply some good common sense).
> Chris
> =====
> Chris Shiflett - http://shiflett.org/
> PHP Security - O'Reilly
>      Coming Fall 2004
> HTTP Developer's Handbook - Sams
>      http://httphandbook.org/
> PHP Community Site
>      http://phpcommunity.org/

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