Please help, I'm tearing what remains of my hair out here.
I've got a MySQL database where I've defined one of the table fields as an
Using PSP I've passed a session variable and can echo it to the screen using
<?php echo intval($clin_id) ?>.  So the session variable exists and can be
I now want to pass this session variable to the database into the field I've
defined as an integer

I've set up a form to submit other variables to the backend database and
they all work apart from this field.

I'm using a hidden field to pass the variable and I am using

<input name="p_clin_id" type="hidden" id="p_clin_id"

What I don't understand is that if I can echo the variable what am I missing
in formatting a sessio variable to make it passable to the database.  It mus
be something basic and I've looked through several books (from where I got
the intval function) but obviously in the wrong place.

I would be grateful for any advice.

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