Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it possible to fake the referrer?  

This may not matter for your application -- are you writing a financial app
or a personal portfolio? -- but if you really need to authenticate the
source of data that comes from some other IP address (as is the case with a
web browser) then you're into PGP keys and signed certificates.

At 11:18 PM 4/3/2001 -0700, Dallas K. wrote:
>If you want to check where your submit is comming from, then you need to
>check the REFERER url..... do so by useing the global $HTTP_REFERER
>global $HTTP_REFERER;
>    echo"Your a hacker, so BITE ME!!!";
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Plutarck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:58 PM
>Subject: [PHP] Sneaky solution
>> > How do you check to make sure that any
>> > form submissions originate from your site?
>> You basically can't.
>> ...well that was easy ;)
>> All you can do is assume that every single piece of data sent from the
>> client is an attempt to screw up your application. After stripping
>> characters and using strlen to ensure the data is of a valid size, there
>> isn't much you can do. But if you know ahead of time that the date should
>> _NOT_ be 1998, just encode such a validator.
>> But if you want to be really sneaky, make something like this:
>> value1=vally|val2=vooly
>> Then run it through some encryption feature or a home-brewed scrambler,
>> make the whole thing one single "hidden" value.
>> In your script you decode it, split it apart into proper variables, and
>> continue along as normal.
>> Still not fool proof, but I use it when I have no other better method. And
>> it basically thwarts 99% of casual tinkerers, and an equal amount of
>> kiddies, and it allows you to be really creative in your data validation,
>> plus you can screw with people's heads...which of course is the most
>> important function ;)
>> --
>> Plutarck
>> Should be working on something...
>> ...but forgot what it was.
>> --
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Les Neste  678-778-0382

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