On Tuesday 31 August 2004 05:02, Zoran Lorkovic wrote:
> $file = file_get_contents("text.inc");
>     $start = "[start]";
>     $end = "[/end]";
>     $pos_start = strpos ($file, $start);
>     $pos_end = strpos ($file, $end);
>     $data = substr ($file, $pos_start, $pos_end);
>     mail ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "My Subject", $data);
> This code works when I call it from browser, but when I call it from
> command line, $data is not put into mail (mail is send but it is empty,
> without any data in body).
> File text.inc looks like this:
> [start]some_text_goes_here[/end]
> [other_start]other_text_goes_here[/other_end]

0) Enable full error reporting
1) Stop repeating yourself
2) I think we've ascertained from your previous post that mail() is working
3) Are you saying that $data contains what you expected but when plugged into 
mail() it becomes empty?

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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