I am looking for a new text for my beginning PHP and MySQL programming
class. This class is for COMPLETE beginners who have never programmed
before. I have used, in the past, PHP4: A Beginner's Guide and PHP for
the World Wide Web (Visual Quicktart).  (I will be using PHP4, at
least until the Redhat Enterprise Server upgrades :)

However, both of these books, while being well pitched towards
beginners, also assume that register_globals is enabled, and while the
former is more like a textbook (it has exercises and mini-quizzes) it
doesn't do as good a job with the examples as the latter  (which has
no exercises). My students are distance education students, so little
things like variable scopes can be very time consuming to help them
with-- it would be nice if the text got it right :)

Does a book for complete beginners exist that also demonstrates basic
good programming practices, has decent examples, and perhaps
exercises/quizzes (not as important as the first two)?

Chris Lott

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